21:50 - 23:00:
Paszkiewicz likens Christianity to having the cure for cancer. If you have the
truth, why would you keep it from other people?
26:00: Paszkiewicz
says, "there are a lot of lost people out there. If they are unreached,
the consequences could be terrible"
29:00: Is the
younger generation as aware as older generations of issues around separation of
church and state?
31:30 - 34:00:
Academic freedom is discussed.
34:42: Paszkiewicz
says, "Teaching Darwinism is something thats going to take poeple's eyes
off of God, especially Jesus Christ."
Paszkiewicz says, "and it may be against the law to teach creationism as
fact but that doesn't mean its wrong."
In addition
to being a youth pastor, Paszkiewicz also leads Christian Club Meetings for
youth. At these meetings he attempts to disprove evolution and the big bang. This
is something that has always rubbed me the wrong way. Regardless of my personal
opinions about religion and its constant denial and suppression of science in
fundamentalist followings, religion and science, especially religion and
evolution are not mutually exclusive. There are certain folks, that would like
to be seen as representative of religion, who draw this distinction. They do
not represent religion, and they certainly are not representative of
Christianity as a whole. That being said, evolution is not, and should not be
associated with atheism. It is nontheistic. It is science. Nothing more. If
this disproves any aspect of religious thought, then that religious thought must
adapt, change or be destroyed. It is no longer representative of our current
knowledge about the world and our relationship to it.
Paszkiewicz says, "I don't believe that my religious beliefs trump the
constitution but I do believe that the word of god does."
42:00 -
44:00: Paszkiewicz says, "Religious neutrality is one thing but hostility
to Christianity is quite another, and what I find is that this neutrality often
means the exclusion from Christianity in the public square."
There is to
often the argument that there is a war against Christianity in this country, or
a war against Christmas. This is all complete nonsense. If the government does
not support a certain view of Christianity or any religion, it is automatically
seen as being hostile to that view/religion. The government is a secular
institution. It is meant to be free of competing religious ideas as these are
the most virulent competitions.
Paszkiewicz says, "We take god out of the equation, in time, i fear what
kind of government we could have."
Paszkiewicz says, "I do think we ought to be unified around a set of
values that are essentially Judeo-Christian"
48:00: Paszkiewicz
"I don't see the danger in promoting, lets say the 10 commandments, how
can things like 'thou shalt not kill' be psychologically damaging to a
It is so easy
for a supporter of the ten commandments to cite the “thou shalt not kill’
commandment as evidence that all ten should be accepted and taught. It neglects
to mention the majority of the other nine. Why is this? Maybe its because “thou
shalt have no other gods before me” or “do not take the lords name in vain” or
“on the seventh day the lord rested” have absolutely no place in civil society,
let alone its governance.
A year after
this incident Paszkiewicz formed a student “Alpha and Omega Club.” This club
was planning a trip to the creation museum in Kentucky. The “educational
rationale,” for the trip was that: "students will be exposed to the
science behind creationism."
This is a
great documentary. I highly recommend it. If anything else it’s a great
introduction into the multifaceted debate on the separation of church and
state, prayer and other religious ceremonies or ideas in public schools, the
so-called evolutionism/creationism debate and the growth of the nonbeliever
population in the United States and what its effect could be on combating the
religious right and the organization of “nones” as a political demographic. The link for the documentary is here: http://ht.ly/cndug
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